Nexus goes beyond virtualization because users can access any data anytime, no matter where it resides.
There are three nearly impossible tasks for building software in today's industry:
1) Create a query tool that works across all systems.
2) Create a data migration tool to automate migrations across any two systems.
3) Create a virtualization tool that can join data across all systems.
Nexus combines them all, which is why it is 10 years ahead of everyone else.
Watch Nexus perform a 20-table join across 20 database systems in a single query.
Now watch how easily Nexus migrates data across any two systems. In the video, you will see a systems tree on the left. Please realize that Nexus can migrate from any source system to any target. Prepare yourself to be amazed.
The video below will show you all of Nexus's brilliant query tool features.
If you want to try Nexus for free or buy a one-year license go to